
The Art to enjoy Life

„Life is not in the past, nor in the future, it’s in the presence.“ – ar

Right now, I’m sitting at a table of a Cafe in fresh air. It’s a wonderful sunny day. I’m sitting here with my MacBook in the shadow, listening to music. I love to write, ‚cause today i’ll post a new article to my blog, this one.

I love these moments. They remind me that Life is one wonderful thing. It’s important to celebrate them. I love to be right here, sitting at this very table writing.
Not all moments in my Life are like this lovely relaxing and productive moment. But I can create them. I call this the Art to enjoy Life.

Sometimes you get distracted by so many things in Life. And then you have no time or take no time for yourself. This time I’m having right now makes me feel like it’s my time. It’s not just relaxing but beeing creative and productive. To do something that is worth it -whatever it is- is the key part for having joy. I don’t find joy, sunbirthing for a week even if thouse sunny moments at a lake are just wonderful. I also don’t want to write for hours today. To find joy in this very moment is art. And realising that this moment gives you joy is important.

If I go to the movies, I’m also having joy, but it’s a joy of distraction. There is nothing wrong with it. But it is not replacable with the joy of this moment. I think one should integrate thouse moments in Life whereever possible.
They are the key to a creative mindset.


The Power of doing

Right now, I have less than half an hour to write this article. After that I go to work, but want to post it today. It’s one of the hottest days of the year here in Germany and I’m sitting outside, drinking a cup of coffee.

So I decided to write something that is not perfect, but just written.

The ability to write better and more helpful articles will develop over time. I’m shure.

So the key-part of blogging for me is to write on a schedule. I call this the Power of doing. The most important part to keep a blog alive is blogging regulary.

If you write, whether it’s good or bad, but you are on your path to greatness, you’ll succeed.

Keep it simple and do it. Don’t dream of doing it perfect and then not even start.


Wie man reich wird

Um die letzten paar geilen Monate zusammenfassend zu erklären:

Ich bin auf dem Weg reich zu werden schließlich schon fast angekommen.


Ja, das wird den ein oder anderen vielleicht schocken, aber es war bisher schon immer mein erklärtes Ziel.

Wie kam es dazu?

Der ein oder andere wird jetzt vielleicht denken: Im Lotto gewonnen!

Wenn die Antwort denn dann so einfach wäre.

Nicht als Antwort gelten außerdem Bankraub, Drogendealerei oder erfolgreiche Erpressungen.

Mafianeugründung, feindliche Firmenübernahme im Talkessel der Krise oder Erbschaft fallen auch raus.

Doch wie kam es dazu, dass ich augenblicklich immer reicher werde?

Fakt ist, das Reich zu sein eigentlich relativ ist. In den Köpfen vieler Menschen sind allerdings immer jene reich, die mehr haben als sie selbst. Arm sind dann demnach die, die weniger haben.

Denkt man aber einmal um und definiert „arm sein“ damit, dass man noch mehr haben will und noch mehr braucht, dann ist der reich, der mit dem zufrieden ist, was er hat und vielleicht sogar mit noch weniger auskommen könnte oder will.

Ich komme langsam mehr und mehr dazu zu realisieren, dass das was ich besitze und was mir zur Verfügung steht eigentlich alles ist, was ich brauche. Und das meine ich nicht theoretisch. Es geht so weit, dass ich glücklich bin, dass ich nicht XYZ Dinge brauche um glücklich zu sein. Manch einer sieht neidisch das was andere „sich leisten können“.

Wenn ich aber glücklich bin mit dem was ich habe, wozu brauche ich dann noch einen Hilfsgegenstand, der mir eine Befriedigung verschafft, nach der ich suche?

Warum „muss“ ich mir überhaupt etwas kaufen? Vielleicht weil ich denke, dass das, was ich mir da kaufe mein Leben besser macht und mich glücklicher sein lässt. Die Suche nach dem Glück durch einen Gegenstand. Aber machen Gegenstände wirklich glücklicher?

Reich ist man erst dann, wenn man nicht mehr, sondern weniger besitzen möchte.

Und ich will weniger besitzen.

Ich will genau das besitzen, was ich wirklich sehr gut gebrauchen kann, was es wert ist besessen zu werden. Es lässt mich reich fühlen etwas nicht haben zu müssen. Es ist ein geiles Gefühl.

Manchmal kommt es auch vor, dass ich Menschen, die sich unbedingt etwas kaufen „müssen“ oder danach streben möglichst alles haben zu wollen, „was man braucht“ fast bemitleide, zumindest dann, wenn ich merke, dass diese Menschen denken, dass es wirklich glücklicher macht.

Tatsächlich bin ich auch auf dem Weg zu noch mehr Reichtum. Natürlich hätte ich einige Dinge trotzdem gerne. Und wenn ich mir im Klaren darüber bin, dass es genau das ist, was ich wirklich brauche und nicht nur etwas um mein Glück zu „steigern“, dann ist es O.K.

Was denkst du dazu?


On writing naturally

I wrote tons of words to post a nice article on this blog today. But I didn’t like it. There was no flow.
So I write a new one. This article does not have to be better but it feels more like me.

To write naturally with not too much editing and still having something great to say is my personal dream of writing.

I don’t like to rearrange sentences till the hole article is some kind of thing I don’t like anymore.

Writing should be fun and I think this naturally writing, that feels like speaking makes writing just wonderful.

So feel the flow of writing, it’s important to have as much fun as possible while doing it and never stop. Some people on the planet may like your style. Just be yourself.


Follow your own path

Right now my head is full of ideas I want to share with all of you. One of these is the idea of your own path. Every single human has his or her own path to follow. Whether you know it or not you are on some kind of path.

It’s important that the path you follow is what you truly want and makes you happy.

Recently, i keep thinking a lot about how people live there lives and what they do for a living and whether they are happy with it or not.

I also look at my own self and think about where I’m going. I have chosen my path. I like my path.

Yes, there is a path of life -your life-, but also a path you take for a project … like a blog.

If you read older articles of this blog, you’ll notice, that the blog was not started this year, but years ago. I posted some articles with a lot of time between them, always asking myself if the things I talk about are worth it.

But to go back on track – yes also this article is following some kind of path – and i want to talk about my thoughts about the path that I take for this blog.

I’d like to share some ideas, thoughts and stuff with you, that helped me and may help you too. I don’t write for a big audience, but for people like you who like my style of writing and like to connect with me. Even if it’s only one true fan I keep writing for. It’s better to have one true reader I can help than hundreds, who don’t get anything out of my words.

I am fascinated by the idea of minimalism, so that’s part of the path where this blog is heading. What minimalism means for me and what it means for my life or your life is what you’ll read on this blog.

I invite you to follow your own path by joining me. If you decide that this blog may help you to follow your own path, that’s fine, if not, that’s fine, too. It’s your decision.


How to rock your life

Do you really rock your Life? I mean: ROCK? Do you want to rock your Life?

What do i mean when i say: To rock  your Life?

Thats the first point: Do you know what rocking your life means for you?

Does it mean, to get the job of your dreams, do the things your love  or do party every single night?

You are not satisfied with your current situation, searching for ways how to change something. You want every single day to be a great day. You want to enjoy Life, and give happiness and joy to the people surrounding you? You want to take action and control your life? You don’t know when to start?

  • Start today.
  • Talk with friends.
  • Write about it.
  • Change.

I’ll write about life, changing things, getting the power you need and having joy rocking your life in some future articles.

So till then, feel free to talk about how you want to rock your life or how you are rocking your life in the comment section.


Do it your way.

No matter how good things work for other people. Maybe they don’t work for you.

There are many ways to live your life, to do the things you have to do in a good way, in your own way.

You know the best what keeps you doing things. There are many people around you, who may life their life in a specific way. But it’s not your way. You are in a different situation.

So if you try to find a way to do your things, to motivate yourself for doing things, keep it plain simple. Reduce it to the basics that work for you.

You can rock your life in your own way. Try it!