
What about failing?

It’s not easy, to answer this question. It’s not that easy at all. It’s all about how you live your life. What’s important to you, and what’s not. If you keep trying to reach a goal which is not really important to you, it can be very very hard to reach it. Maybe you’ll reach it never.
But if you want to reach something with all your heart, there is power behind it.

But what if you are some lazy guy, who enjoys the present and dreams about the future, but procrastinate things, like i used to do the last years. I’m in a process, where i develop my skills in living my life, reaching my goals and one part of the process is this blog, to talk about it and get the feedback of others.

There are more complex answers and this blog is on life, to reach goals, so some articles may be a part of the answer to your life. The best and short answer on that question is, to never never give up. Yes, you can make a break on reaching your goal, but don’t give up if you fail. You may try something new, go a new way, but don’t give up. And try to find out, how to reach your goal. But never give up. You have to find your way. There are many ways to reach a goal.

This is what i want to talk about in this blog. To find the best ways, which really work, to reach your goals.


Why a slow growing blog is good for me

I thought about this blog, about what it’s going to be someday and what it’s now. I thought that I’m happy to have not so many readers after this blog just had started. The reasons why I like slow success for this blog are simple.

First there is the english language. I use simple english and am not able to express myself like I do in german. If I write in german, it happens, that there is a flow… where I write and I write and I write. In english, I like to write too. But the fact that I write a blog let’s me think the hole time about if this or that sentence is good or not. So there is no real flow happening. And because that I read english websites I know the lack in my use of the english language very well. But I am not the person who corrects each sentence word for word. I just want to write. Of course, I have to structure the sentences and topics, but this is the start of my blog. Trying to be professional in any way will kill it. That was the reason why it should wait till lots of people read all of this. But over time as my english develops, and when my thoughts touch the reader, there’ll be more readers. So if you read this and this article is very new, you are special, because you are one of the early readers of this english blog.

And the second thing is the content. I am not an expert in life. I just started to find out how to get new habits which give me the power to live the life I want. So yes, I think a lot about life, how I don’t waste my time. What goals I want to reach and how I can use my time in a way I like when I look back at it. So not to have to many readers makes it easy to develop my thoughts in a readable way as I clarify them to myself, structure them and write them down in a way that makes sense.

So I like the freedom to just develop both in this blog, the language and the content. And I promise you, that in one year of time, you’ll notice a difference in language and in content. I am looking forward to it.

So to see my blog growing slowly means as well, that it grows. And that is what I want: A growing blog with more and more readers. But that can wait.
Before I launched this blog I thought about how the start should look like. I decided, to have a two month initial phase where I do not have any goals. Even zero readers would be good. But as you read this before April, 1st, there is at least one reader. You :-)


How to reach a goal

Make sure, you really want to reach that goal
If you have a goal that you want to reach, you have to make sure, that you really want to reach it.
Ask yourself the Questions: Why do i want to reach that goal? What are the advantages of it, what are the disadvantages? Do i really want to spend the time i need for it? Can i reach the goal? Make the goal your goal. Otherwise it may only be a dream which never comes true.

Make a Plan, visualize it
A good plan is absolutely necessary. Write your goal down. It’s good, to be aware, what you really want. It’s your goal. You can do this on paper or digital. I use Keynote to keep focused. For some people, written plans may help. For me, i need visualized and simple plans. A plan on which you don’t look, is no good plan. Make a plan you like. And keep it simple. If the plan is to complicated, you don’t read it. Use your imagination and creativity. Mindmaps may also work. Find out what technique fits best for you and fix on it.

Set milestones
By separating your goals into smaller parts, you’ll reach your goal step by step. Milestones are micro goals.

Set a time limit!
Define when you want to reach the goal. It is very important, to focus on that date.

Start now!
Don’t procrastinate the beginning of reaching your goal. To get on top of a mountain, you have to climb. To reach your goal, you have to start climbing. But before you climb, you should know how to climb, have the right equipment. Make sure everything is there for you and then start!

Track your success
Make sure, you know every step to the top of the hill.

If you reached your goal, celebrate!
You have done everything to reach that goal, so invite some friends, make a party, cook something very special. By celebrating we make sure, that it’s cool to reach goals.

You may have also advice what’s important for reaching a goal. What helps you to reach a goal?


This blog is about Life

Hello and welcome to this very first post on my new blog about life and especially on how to reach your goals in life and make the future come true.
You may ask yourself, what this blog will be like. And I can’t tell you yet. I have lots of ideas I keep thinking of, topics I want to write about and experiences I want to share with you. Let me try to show you the future of this blog, so that you get an idea of it.


This blog is a kind of a growing, rising and developing blog. I am very excited about it. I have blogged before, but not as regularly as I want to do in this blog. I am going to blog one article per day. I know that it will not be easy to find something worth writing about and still hold some quality level. And one other thing is going to be very interesting for me. I want to develop my english. I am german and live in Germany and as you may have noticed, my english is not the best yet. But over time, I am going to get better and better. So if there is bad writing or mistakes in my articles, you are free to report them to me. I am thankful for your help.

Let’s talk about goals in life. I have many goals, which I haven’t reached yet. Some are bigger, some are smaller. And I am looking forward to reach my goals. But this is not as easy as it seems to be as you keep thinking of your dreams.
In my case I dream, I have visions, and I am excited about them but then nothing happens. The problem with that is procrastination. I procrastinate my dreams for different reasons. May it be because I have no money, I have no time or whatever. I want to do so much and I think: yeah in the future i’ll start with this or that. The bad news is: There is no future. „What there is no future?“ You may think by reading this. And yes you are right. There is one. But not mine. There is a future I don’t want. The future I am going to expect is not my dream. The future is still in the future if I am in the future. And of course life is going on and everything works or don’t works. Yes, I am still alive. But what is with all my dreams, my visions with everything? They are unreachable, because they are there in the Future. I want to show you how I mange to reach my goals which were former dreams.

You may have dreams and goals too. You want your life be different, but it’s hard to change it. You have good ideas, but not enough power. You feel weak. You tried it over an over and you can’t do things as effective as you wish you could. And yes, there is not everything bad about life. But you want to live. Feel the life. And enjoy it. Or you want to find out, how other people live their life’s. Then you are right on this blog.

We will talk about life, about time, about how to feel happy by making plans and how to make the future happen today. We talk about developing habits and how to make dreams and visions to goals. We will talk about how to manage time, how to stop wasting time and how to live each day a pice of your future. We will talk about problems which hinder you to start the life you are dreaming of.

In the next article we will talk about a goal you really want to reach and what steps are necessary to reach it.


Das Rote Tor-Haus

Red Gatehouse

Heute morgen ging ich spazieren, nahm meine Kamera mit und dabei entdeckte ich folgendes Haus, welches mir als Fotomotiv sehr gefiel. Vor allem die Funktion als Tor hatte es mir angetan, weil ich in dieser Gegend solch ein Haus gar nicht erwartet hätte.

Essen & Kochen

Einkaufen bei Aldi ist teuer

Bei Aldi ist einfach alles teurer geworden. Da habe ich mir dieses Jahr bisher noch keine Packung Eier geholt und da kosten die doch gleich mal 99 Cent. Für die Dose Ananas meine ich auch mal weniger als 99 Cent bezahlt zu haben. Die günstige Schoko für früher 29 Cent hat mit 39 Cent jetzt auch noch ihren Geschmacks Absturz erfahren, weshalb ich bei meinem gestrigen Einkauf, wie wohl auch für alle Folgenden keine kaufen werde. Daniel meinte, ich soll denen schreiben, dann würden die mir als Dankeschön für mein Kundenfeedback was zuschicken. Aber ich glaube ich will keine solche Schoko :-) Von Nudeln, Butter und Milch wollen wir gar nicht erst reden, wobei da auch schon länger ne Preiserhöhung am Start ist. Aber eines muss man sagen: Die Aldikassen waren und sind immer noch die Schnellsten. Ich gehe oft mit einem leeren Karton, den ich mir irgendwo aus dem Markt hole an die Kasse und ohne Einkaufswagen, weil ich sowieso alles schleppen muss und nicht mit dem Auto einkaufe. Und da kann man dann auch relativ schnell alles reinpacken in so einen Karton, wenn man gehetzt an der Kasse steht. Es ist doch immer sehr interessant die Menschen so zu beobachten oder mit ihnen was zu erleben. Gestern bei meinem letzten Einkauf stand ich schon in Fließbands Mitte als mir einfiel, dass wir in der WG nur noch einige Zuckerkörner haben. Also dringend nachkaufen. Doch wo? Ich hatte wenig Zeit und wollte nicht suchen. Ich sprach zu einem Mädel die in der Schlange in der Nähe stand: „Wo ist der Zucker?“ Sie hatte das wohl nicht verstanden, weil wohl jeder ein „Entschuldigung“ davor gesetzt hätte, aber in dem Augenblick war ich sehr auf den Zucker fixiert. „Wo ist der Zucker?“, fragte ich noch einmal. Jedenfalls war es ein zweites Mal neutral mit freundlichem Unterton in normaler Lautstärke gesagt und da kam die Antwort: „Da hinten in dem Gang.“ Meine Füße machten einen kurzen Sprint Richtung besagter Stelle und ja, da war er. Und ich stand in der Schlange noch bevor die Fließbandmitte ganz vorbei war. Und da will einer sagen, dass Männer nicht nach dem Weg fragen. Überhaupt so Klischees versuche ich immer zu durchbrechen und frage manchmal einfach deshalb nach dem Weg, weil ich’s nicht tun würde eigentlich. Wenn man es öfters tut, gewöhnt man sich dran und selbst wenn man ne ungefähre Ahnung der Lokalitäten, wie ich beim Zucker hat, so ist eine Bestätigung der eigenen Gedanken ein willkommenes Feedback. Nicht jedem braucht man ja zu sagen, dass man eigentlich weiß, wo es ist. Überhaupt in Geschäften ist es sowieso sinnvoll immer mal zu fragen. Denn: Sobald man fragt findet man auch. Welch erleuchtende Weisheit, aber eineN VerkäuferIn muss man im Normalfall auch erstmal suchen und da findet man dann oft die Artikel sowieso schneller. Aber seit Gestern weiß ich: Auch Kundinnen in der Schlange wissen Bescheid und können mir den Weg weisen. Wer weiß, vielleicht war sie ja ’ne getarnte Verkäuferin. Aber eigentlich sah sie eher wie ’ne Studentin aus.


Als ich dann mit allem Drum und Dran zurück in meiner WG war habe ich erstmal 4 Hawaitoast aus den Zutaten gebastelt und in den Ofen geschoben. Ich muss sagen, dieser Einkauf hat sich wirklich gelohnt, wenn man hinterher das Essen genießen kann. Bei Aldi gibt es auch diese Westernpfanne, tiefgekühlt. Was ich nicht wusste, ist, dass man davon träumen kann. Ja wirklich. Plötzlich sah ich mich damit irgendwelche Kochvorbereitungen treffen und es war Sommer im Traum. Nicht dass ich geschockt gewesen wäre, aber es war doch schon ungewöhnlich, aber erst als ich aufwachte und darüber nachdachte.

Wo kauft ihr immer ein? Aldi, Plus, Lidl? Oder etwa Rewe, Tengelmann oder WalMart, Real oder Tante Emmas Laden?

Gedankenrausch Gedichte


Es ist die Kunst der Gedankenverwirrung,
die Abirrung
zu entdecken,
bevor sie stattfindet.

Das ist Irrsinn,
denn ohne Abirren
gibt’s kein Verwirren.

Bezeichnen wir das Abirren
als Kreativität
und die Verwirrung
als Erreichen solcher.

So ist es Unerheblich ob sie frühzeitig erkannt wird.
Nicht erkannte Kreativität ist trotzdem da.
Vielleicht ist sie sogar noch mehr da,
wenn der Aha-Effekt erst später kommt.

Andererseits ist gerade das Erkennen kreativer Strömungen der Motor der Kreativität. Ein Perpetuum Mobile gewissermaßen.

Gib mir Kreativität und ich geb dir Kreativität zurück, Potenziert.