
What meadow has to do with the beauty of writing

Notice: I wrote this for myself while riding a train, but as i finished it i realized that I want to share this article with the world.

Meadow is kind of a wonderful word. For me as a German-speaking person, I love it. It sounds romantic to me. I think it’s like this because I first really recognized it by reading „The Time-travelers Wife“ which I never finished reading.

Today I stumbled upon it by researching all kinds of words that have to do with „edge“. So „the edge of the meadow“ was what I loved.

Isn’t it nice to read a word that feels alive?

I wish I could write in a deeper language in english, cause I feel the edge. I want to go further, to express myself in a way thats only possible in German for me so far. But whats better to improve my style and everything than to write in english. Write a lot. And then let it be read by natives. And then they tell me. So I can learn and improve and write and improve and get better every time I put my fingers on the keyboard.

But despite the lack of a great english, I am still able to write down my thoughts and share them with the world. By writing in english and having fun doing it, I have the mental-power to write more and more. Thats important to me.

Sometimes I think about only to write in German, cause here I can improve my style of writing as well. It’s not just in the words, but by putting powerful meaningful words together and not only give me the feeling of a flow, but also the reader. To feel the flow by reading a message on the net is the only way to attract someone in a true way. This feeling of flow as far as I can say is possible by the combination of two factors.

First. The interesting thoughts that get transported to the reader, which may help improving once thoughts.

Second. The style of writing, how sentences and words are combined, which words where chosen. Like Poetry. Like the rhetoric of a speech.

The thoughts are the most powerful thing I have to give, cause my thoughts are independent of language. People who like my style of thinking will follow me. But the rhetoric is very important, too. And with my small amount of english rhetoric power I am still capable to write stuff that may be read by some people and influence thinking.

So how to improve one and two? By writing. Writing is the one most important thing to get better in everything. Writing creates crazy thoughts that need to get formed into some beautiful something.


what minimalism means to me

I keep thinking a lot about minimalism and what it means to me.

Minimalism is some kind of simplicity. It means to reduce all unnessessary things in order to have space for the important.

Right now i am happy with everything i own or have and don’t want to have more stuff.

That means a lot to me. It makes the things i have so usefull, cause i also try to find out what i don’t need for the quality of my life.

I am on the path of minimalism and so far it makes me feel kind of rich. Yes, i don’t need a great car to make my life usefull. Right now i even don’t need any car.

Life is simpler if you have less stuff.

Minimalism is not focused on stuff but on everything in your life. But reducing stuff and think twice before bying something is an easy start into minimalism.

Think about what you don’t need and get rid of it.


The Art to enjoy Life

„Life is not in the past, nor in the future, it’s in the presence.“ – ar

Right now, I’m sitting at a table of a Cafe in fresh air. It’s a wonderful sunny day. I’m sitting here with my MacBook in the shadow, listening to music. I love to write, ‚cause today i’ll post a new article to my blog, this one.

I love these moments. They remind me that Life is one wonderful thing. It’s important to celebrate them. I love to be right here, sitting at this very table writing.
Not all moments in my Life are like this lovely relaxing and productive moment. But I can create them. I call this the Art to enjoy Life.

Sometimes you get distracted by so many things in Life. And then you have no time or take no time for yourself. This time I’m having right now makes me feel like it’s my time. It’s not just relaxing but beeing creative and productive. To do something that is worth it -whatever it is- is the key part for having joy. I don’t find joy, sunbirthing for a week even if thouse sunny moments at a lake are just wonderful. I also don’t want to write for hours today. To find joy in this very moment is art. And realising that this moment gives you joy is important.

If I go to the movies, I’m also having joy, but it’s a joy of distraction. There is nothing wrong with it. But it is not replacable with the joy of this moment. I think one should integrate thouse moments in Life whereever possible.
They are the key to a creative mindset.


We restart

Heli I am happy to announce, that this website, which is actually a blog is going to restart. There are 4 articles, over a year old. I keep them. I could delete them and start over, but hey, it’s part of the history and i like them.

The funny part: The second article „How to reach a goal“ should have been implemented on the goal to have a developing blog. But that didn’t happen. Old goals may sleep for a while. But hey, never give up, if it’s still a goal. It’s still my goal to have a blog i want to write for with fun, connect to people all over the world (thats why it is in english) and i’m very curious about whats happening with all this.

Till today i only dreamt about having a wonderful blog, a place of ideas and visions and goals shared with the whole world, open to everyone to discuss them, creating something new on the planet. And yes, i had one, a blog sitting on this domain and it was nice to conversate with people. It was in german, but it was kind of personal blog, most interesting for people who know me. I transfered it over to andreas.mobi one year ago, to make this domain free for a big project i would start. To start a wonderfull blog. A blog focused on topics like personal development and reaching your goals, reaching my goals. There are many and many of blogs out there focusing on such topics, and i do really like them. Speaking of Leo Babauta from the fabulous blog zenhabits.net or Tim Ferriss, author of the 4-Hour Workweek . But hey, everyone is different. I have my own story to tell. A story which starts in the present and reachs into the future. I want to take you with me on a travel into the future, and because i’m writing this articles in a personal view, i invite you into my future. So come on an join my future if you like. New Articles are following soon.